2001-05-24 Haga Park NV.

We arrived late last night and it felt nice to have slept good when we rolled into Hagaīs surf parking. The wind was not too good but we were eager and rigged our 6.3 sails. Didnīt go too well... Only the Formula people hade some speed, those with GO, Supervision, Techno and 8.0 sails. I got pissed myself over how bad I did, got spinouts and experienced that stuck-in-cement-feeling.. Per felt the same way but it was probably due to the weak wind and the little waves generated by the sandbanks, the board just got stuck. Well, we went ashore and waited, about 3.30 pm the wind came and I had to rig down to 5.0. It felt much better even though it didnīt last so long.

Per seriously overrigged, 27/5 (Per is my younger brother)


Me practising duckjibes, 24/5
Me (Kris)


..and a little backwind.., 24/5


I was able to catch some waves


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